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Part 1 租房


It has three bedrooms and two bathrooms. It has a big 1 garage.

There's too much 2 traffic nearby.

There's lots of parking space. lt has views of the 3 river.

You might hear noise from the 4 planes.  

You can't have a 5 pet.

6 Fitzroy Terrace

It has a very large 7 garden.

It is only available for 8 6 months

There's a popular 9 park nearby.

The telephone number is 10 0419026054








Part 2 

Art Course关于艺术班的课程介绍

11-12.Matching the things students need to bring with the following two art courses.

Own Material

A.cards making

B.watercolor painting



E.interior design introduction

13-14.Which two courses need more than one term to finish?

sole problems of internet design and practical gardening design


Several courses about fitness and their suitable people

15. Yoga --- adults and children

16. Lacrosse --- special price

17. Music dance -- change to a new place

18. Tennis --- a celebrity

19. Golf --- Regional competition

20. Taiji --- minimal age required


Part 3 

Just in time(JIT)课题讨论

21 Ron被建议在报告中应该:选give credits to the originator of JIT idea(将荣誉给JIT创始人)

22 Ron的报告被老师说漏掉了什么:选introduction of definition of JIT

23 Ron从哪获取信息:选Textbook(课本)。

24 老师说JIT服务中:选has an absence of countable things(缺乏可算的东西)

25.speed(速度)配too irregular(太不寻常。

26.purpose(目的)-配too vague(太模糊)也有说too formal的,录音为准

27.transition(过渡/转换)-配too sudden(太快/突然)

28.visual(可视)---配too loosely related(关系太松散)-

29.vocabulary(词汇)-配too technical(太技术)

30.body language(身体语言)-配too unenthusiastic(太不热情)


Part4  城市发展

31.problem of noise_噪音问题

32更多+entertainment options娱乐选择


34.8 million people need:less infrastructures_than少些基础设施

35.大城市:have fewer children_少小孩

36._history_influences whether a city gets richer历史影响城市变富有与否渔哥

37.keep a_balance_between growth and population增长和人口之间保持平衡

38.have higher_wages_更高工资

39 new way to bring_water into home送水到家新方式

40 source of_electricity_电力来源









预测: 这近期考试的题型还是比较常规的,题型依然很稳健,填空选择对半分.都是题库考过的题,但是语速很快,还是比较难的.大家平时要注意同意替换的积累和听力精听的训练。同学们要多费心去大量积累场景词汇,尤其常考的咨询,旅游,住宿等,对于第四部分要注重各种主题的词汇积累,一定要多做精听训练.